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College of Veterinary Medicine
Scholarships & Awards 2024
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Scholarships & Awards 2024
Scholarship & Award Listing
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CVM Directory
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Harriett V. Taylor Scholarship
Nourah Abusada
William and Elise Brett Veterinary Medicine Scholarship
Adham Abushukur
CVM Endowment Fund Academic Excellence Awards
Adham Abushukur
Dr. William T. and Becky Carlisle Scholarship of Excellence in Veterinary Medicine
Kendall Adams
Rudolph W. Pitz Veterinary Scholarship
Kassidy Adams
CVM Service Award
Bethany Ahlers
Dr. Robert A. Jensen Scholarship Fund in Veterinary Medicine
Lauren Ahlers
Robert A. Merrill Scholarship – Class of 1926
Morgan Almeida
Dr. Roger Van Prooien and Ruth Van Prooien Endowed Scholarship
Lee Ammons
Eric Jayne, DVM Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Jillian Anderson
Dr. Dominic Gentile Virtuous Veterinarian Award
Dallas Angove
Vivian R. Flores Memorial Scholarship
Rueben Arellano
Russell G. and Lora L. Talbot Scholars in Veterinary Medicine
Lane Ausdemore
Interstate Veterinary Medical Association Scholarship
Jaden Austin
Marie S. Lodge Endowment in Veterinary Medicine
Lukas Aylesworth
Dr. James E. Stark Memorial Scholarship
Jahaila Baker
Bobbie and Stanton Cook Family Scholarship
Addison Balabanis
Dr. Frederick Douglass Patterson Opportunity Fund
Cristian Barbosa
IVMA Supporting Leadership Scholarships
Alexander Bebb
Merck Animal Health for Food Animal Veterinary Students
Alexander Bebb
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – IA Resident
Connor Becker
Serendipity Scholarship
Jewlie Bedel
Veterinary Medicine Class of 1964 Scholarship
Amber Beinhart (Witt)
Wayne W. Brown, DVM and Doris B. Brown Memorial Scholarship
Katelyn Belding
Southwest Iowa Veterinary Medical Association Award
Katelyn Belding
IVMA Foundation Freshman Recruiting Scholarship
Tim Benz
Arthur B. and Blanche F. Lederer Memorial Scholarship
Breana Berger
John P. Janovick Veterinary Medicine Scholarship
Alexis Berte
IVMA Foundation Freshman Recruiting Scholarship
Avinash Bevoor
Dr. Robert K. Morrison and Dr. E. A. Hewitt Endowed Physiology Scholar
John Bigham
Class of 1982 Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Rebecca Billings
Maggie’s Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Cassandra Black
Bryan Wheeler Memorial Scholarship
Kaitlin Blosch
Dr. Wayne and Marilyn Hagemoser Family Scholarship
Brian Bochucinski
Larry (DVM) and Barbara Mahr One Health Scholarship
Emma Bock
G. W. and Peg Cornwell Scholarship Fund
Ayva Bohr
Krista L. Rankin Scholarship
Alexis Bordy
Dr. Doyle W. Simonsen Memorial Scholarship
Bailee Bortz
Dr. J. Richard and Linda K. Kennedy Family Veterinary Scholarship
Seth Boss
Bobbie and Stanton Cook Family Scholarship
Abigail Bozzuti
Patricia A. Kasowski Scholarship Fund for Veterinary Medicine
Lily Brandes
Veterinary Medicine Class of 1964 Scholarship
Jackson Braunschweig
Juana and Hjalmar Sandberg Scholarship Fund
Victoria Brenke
Robert E. and Doris R. Philbrick Academic Excellence Scholarship
Kelsey Briney
ISU Excellence in Swine Practice Award
McKenna Brinning
Robert and Burnette Young Scholarship in Large Animal Medicine
Brandon Bruhn
Dr. Paul F. Starch Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Rachel Brungardt
American College of Veterinary Radiology Senior Award
Amelia Burkinshaw
Veterinary Medicine Alumni Association Scholarship Award
Amelia Burkinshaw
IVMA Foundation Sports & Field Day Community Engagement Scholarship
Cassie Burkle
Dr. Hugo Medina Scholarship Fund
Alicia Burleson
Robert Edwin Gamble, DVM Scholarship
Hannah Burrows
IVMA Supporting Leadership Scholarships
Hannah Burrows
Joe and Isabelle Krichel SCAVMA President Scholarship
Hannah Burrows
Veterinary Medicine Class of 1964 Scholarship
Alexis Butler
College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarships Fund Financial Need Award
Samantha Cagle
Dr. C. A. DeValois Memorial Scholarship
Nicole Carlone
Margaret A. Haines Scholarship in Equine Medicine and Surgery
Anthony Cervone
North American Veterinary Anesthesia Society (NAVAS)/American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia (ACVAA) Membership Award
Anthony Cervone
IVMA Foundation Incoming Freshman Scholarship
Michelle Chen
IVMA Supporting Leadership Scholarships
Wan-Lin Chen
G. G. Graham Prize
Fina Choat
T. Robert and Janice C. Bashara Family Scholarship
Andrew Christensen
Veterinary Medicine Class of 1953
Aleah Consigli
Stein Veterinary Scholarship
Maggie Crane
Dechra Excellence in Equine Sports Medicine
Emily Crawford
William Tillman Dunn Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Savanah Crews
Lisa K. Nolan Servant Leadership in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship
Maggie Cronk
Dorman Edward Parker Scholarship Endowment
Maggie Cronk
Bobbie and Stanton Cook Family Scholarship
Juliana Csiba
Patricia A. Kasowski Scholarship Fund for Veterinary Medicine
Hailee Culbertson
CVM Service Award
Katheryn Dalzell
Dr. L. Devon Miller Pathology Scholarship
Kathryn Dalzell
Dr. Yosiya Niyo Pathology Scholarship
Kathryn Dalzell
Frank Walsh Memorial Scholarship
Sierra Dawes
IVMA Bovine Preconditioning Program Scholarships
David DeBower
Marie S. Lodge Endowment in Veterinary Medicine
Jenna DeMay
Margaret Florence Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Courtney Dinelli
Veterinary Medicine Class of 1987 Scholarship
Allison Dirossi
IVMA Foundation Freshman Recruiting Scholarship
Phoebe Ditrinco
IVMA Foundation Sports & Field Day Community Engagement Scholarship
Cayla Domagala
Jerome and Laurine Speltz Scholarship
Quincie Donth
Brian D. Oetjen, D.V.M. and Kathryn Burds Oetjen, D.V.M Scholarship
Emma Doyle
Dr. Robert A. Jensen Scholarship Fund in Veterinary Medicine
Lelland Ducksworth
Gene and Muriel Zinn Scholarship
Chaiden Duitscher
American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) Certifcate of Clinical Excellence (Small Animal)
Emma Duman
Arthur M. and Margaret E. Orum Trust Scholarship
Morgan Dziubinski
Tyrone d. Artz, M.D. Iowa Scholarship
Jayna Eganhouse
Robert Edwin Gamble, DVM Scholarship
Jayna Eganhouse
Frank Walsh Memorial Scholarship
Caitlin Ehrlich
Dr. Allison Sullivan Scholarship
Maggie Engelhard
Veterinary Medicine Class of 1975 Memorial Scholarship
Breah Erdmann
Roger and Marie Feldman Endowment Scholarship
Lauren Erickson
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – Non- resident
Jade Eschenbrenner
Eric Fleming Memorial Scholarship in Small Animal Medicine
Hailey Everhart
Iowa Farmer Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Callie Fay
Jerome and Laurine Speltz Scholarship
Rachel Ferguson
IVMA Bovine Preconditioning Program Scholarships
Torrie Ferrari
American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) Certifcate of Clinical Excellence (Large Animal)
Bailey Fisher
Dr. Paul J. and Sara. J. Meginnis Scholarship
Kailyn Fittsporter
IVMA Foundation Sustaining Involvement with the IVMA Scholarship
Anna Fleming
Leonard Kater Memorial Veterinary Medicine Scholarship
Lee Forgey
William Tillman Dunn Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Mikayla Fox
Doris Day/Terry Melcher Endowed Scholarship
David Frausto
Dr. Frederick Douglass Patterson Opportunity Fund
David Frausto
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – Non-resident
Kesha Freeman
Kay S. Pierce Memorial Scholarship
Sarah Gainer
Nemeth Veterinary Medicine Award of California
Paulina Garcia
American Association of Feline Practitioners Outstanding Senior Award
Tatiana Garcia Marrero
Allen C. Peterson Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Julia Garrow
IVMA Bovine Preconditioning Program Scholarships
Brandon Gassman
Salsbury Endowment Fund for Veterinary Medicine Scholarships
Cheyenne Gibbons
Wayne W. Brown, DVM and Doris B. Brown Memorial Scholarship
Alek Goll
Dr. Roger Van Prooien and Ruth Van Prooien Endowed Scholarship
Makayla Groeneweg
Russell G. and Lora L. Talbot Scholars in Veterinary Medicine
Jozey Gump
Veterinary Medicine Class of 1964 Scholarship
Aaron Gust
Dr. Robert A. Jensen Scholarship Fund in Veterinary Medicine
Natalie Gydesen
William W. Bailey Scholarship Fund
Maya Hallstrom
Dr. Scott and Nancy Armbrust Rural Veterinary Medicine Impact Scholarship
Garrett Hanisch
AAVD Dermatology Senior Veterinary Student Award
Cory Hansen
Mervin D. Andersen Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Sydney Hansen
Dr. O.J. Schrag Scholarship
Ben Hargens
William G. Bauman Scholarship
Chelsea Harris
IVMA Supporting Leadership Scholarships
Rebecca Harris
Veterinary Medicine Class of 1950 Scholarship
Noah Hartleben
David R. Helland, DVM ’64 and Wealtha Helland Scholarships in Veterinary Medicine
Ragain Hatfield
G. G. Graham Prize
Leah Hayes
American Animal Hospital Association Award for Proficiency in Primary Care
Ashley Hays
Dr. Margaret W. Sloss Memorial Scholarship
Shaylee Heathers
Dr. Leslie Hemmingson Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Callie Henrich
Uhlenhopp Public Policy Award
Callie Henrich
Kenneth H. Wulfekuhle, DVM Memorial Scholarship
Callie Henrich
IVMA Foundation Freshman Recruiting Scholarship
Caty Henriksen
Dr. J. Richard and Linda K. Kennedy Family Veterinary Scholarship
Courtney Herman
Patricia A. Kasowski Scholarship Fund for Veterinary Medicine
Anna Herriott
Kent and Jodi Pulfer Scholarship
Jade Hill
Dr. J. W. Sexton Memorial Scholarship
Colette Hocking
IVMA Foundation Sports & Field Day Community Engagement Scholarship
Grant Hoeger
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – Non- resident
Molly Hoffenberg
Bobbie and Stanton Cook Family Scholarship
Benjamin Hollis
H. L. Chatterton Memorial Scholarship
Macy Homes
IVMA Foundation Sustaining Involvement with the IVMA Scholarship
Holden Hooyer
Howes Family Scholarship
Ethan Hornbuckle
VECCS Proficiency in Emergency and Critical Care Award
Jesse Huerta
IVMA Foundation Sports & Field Day Community Engagement Scholarship
Macy Human
Award for Clinical Proficiency in Small Animal Surgery
Emily Humphreys
Salsbury Endowment Fund for Veterinary Medicine Scholarships
Hyunmook Im
College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarships Fund Financial Need Award
Lia Intini
Dechra Excellence in Dermatology
Emma Iverson
IVMA Bovine Preconditioning Program Scholarships
Nick Jacobs
Dr. Isaac (Ike) E. Hayes Memorial Scholarship
Karly Jans
IVMA Foundation Incoming Freshman Scholarship
Nuthara Jayasinghe
IVMA Foundation Incoming Freshman Scholarship
Carley Jeanes
Dr. Harvey Price and Corinne Price Scholarship for the Study of Veterinary Medicine
Jake Jenson
Frank Walsh Memorial Scholarship
Jake Jenson
Bill McEniry, DVM, Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Audrey Jestel
Pet Medical Center Scholarship for Entrepreneurial Spirit
Emily Johansson
Bobbie and Stanton Cook Family Scholarship
Samuel Johnson
Dr. Frederick Douglass Patterson Opportunity Fund
Megan Jones
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – Non-resident
Natalie Kach
CVM Endowment Fund Academic Excellence Awards
Rebecca Kanoza
Walter and Lucille Murken Scholarships
Abigail Kaska
Dr. Harvey Price and Corinne Price Scholarship for the Study of Veterinary Medicine
Abigail Kaska
Lemley Memorial Scholarship
Amanda Keiper
Howes Family Scholarship
Madison Kelchen
Veterinary Medicine Alumni Association “Gentle Doctor” Award
Megan Kellen
Russell G. and Lora L. Talbot Scholars in Veterinary Medicine
Emma Keller
Veterinary Medicine Class of 1960 Scholarship
Sarah Keller
Dr. Scott and Nancy Armbrust Rural Veterinary Medicine Impact Scholarship
Austin Kennedy
Dr. Brian and Jill Darrow Scholarship
Austin Kennedy
Harriett V. Taylor Scholarship
Carter Kent
IVMA Foundation Sustaining Involvement with the IVMA Scholarship
Helen Kilian
The Krichel Father and Son Scholarship
Torin Killeen
Robert and Burnette Young Leadership Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Olivia Kisling
IVMA Foundation Sustaining Involvement with the IVMA Scholarship
Carly Klavins
Harriett V. Taylor Scholarship
Kelsey Klosko
William Tillman Dunn Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Jacki Knapp
Tyrone d. Artz, M.D. Scholarship
Kinley Kolbet
CVM Endowment Fund Financial Need Award
Austin Kosusnik
IVMA Foundation Incoming Freshman Scholarship
Abby Kraemer
Dechra Excellence in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Samantha Laham
Christian Petersen Veterinary Medicine Scholarship
Erin Landin
Marie S. Lodge Endowment in Veterinary Medicine
Vittoria Lane
IVMA Bovine Preconditioning Program Scholarships
Austin Lange
G. W. and Peg Cornwell Scholarship Fund
Hannah Lanphere
William G. Bauman Scholarship
Kristen Larson
Oris P. Idsvoog Memorial Award
Kristen Larson
Johnson-Stewart Scholarship (Mildred M. Johnson and Ruth M. Stewart Scholarship Fund)
Abbey Lashley
Dr. Frederick Douglass Patterson Opportunity Fund
Pattie Lathrop
IVMA Bovine Preconditioning Program Scholarships
Thomas Lehmann
Dr. Harry M. Halverson Memorial Scholarship
Kady Leusink
Charles Gardner Memorial Scholarship
Elpida Liakos
IVMA Foundation Sustaining Involvement with the IVMA Scholarship
Jacob Loehr
George and Bonnie Dennis Family Scholarship
Sydney Long
IVMA Foundation Sustaining Involvement with the IVMA Scholarship
Lizeth Lopez
IVMA Foundation Freshman Recruiting Scholarship
Ashley Lounsberry
Uhlenhopp Public Policy Award
Ashley Lounsberry
Tyrone d. Artz, M.D. Iowa Scholarship
Devin Ludwig
Rudolph W. Pitz Veterinary Scholarship
Devin Ludwig
Salsbury Endowment Fund for Veterinary Medicine Scholarships
Megan Macrae
Charles Gardner Memorial Scholarship
Christina Maloney
Leonard Kater Memorial Veterinary Medicine Scholarship
Christina Maloney
Russell G. and Lora L. Talbot Scholars in Veterinary Medicine
Emma Mannery
Nemeth Veterinary Medicine Award of California
Kelly Marshall
CVM Cyclone Opportunity Award
Kailynn Martin
Dr. Roger and Marilyn Mahr Scholarship in One Health
Claire Mathias
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – Non-resident
Samantha McBeth
Bobbie and Stanton Cook Family Scholarship
Emilie McCann
Maria and Dr. Michael Westfall Veterinary Medicine Leadership Scholarship
Benjamin McClain
American College of Veterinary Ophthalmology Award
Meredith McClure
F. K. Ramsey Scholarship for Academic Excellence
Victoria McCombs
Dr. William T. and Becky Carlisle Scholarship of Excellence in Veterinary Medicine
Brynn McDonough
American College of Veterinary Pathologists Outstanding Achievement, Proficiency and Interest in Veterinary Pathology Award
Krysta McMahan
Merck Animal Health for Food Animal Veterinary Students
Bailee McMillan
Dr. Robert A. Jensen Scholarship Fund in Veterinary Medicine
Allison Menick
Robert Edwin Gamble, DVM Scholarship
Grace Mercer
Salsbury Endowment Fund for Veterinary Medicine Scholarships
Yaquelin Mijangos
Salsbury Endowment Fund for Veterinary Medicine Scholarships
Maria Milhouse
Eastern Iowa Veterinary Medicine Association Scholarship Fund
Samuel Millard
Bob Rosenthall Senior Student Award for Proficiency in Clinical Oncology
Shannon Miller
IVMA Supporting Leadership Scholarships
Madeline Moen
CVM Service Award
Elle Moon
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – Non-resident
Elle Moon
Eastern Iowa Veterinary Medicine Association Scholarship Fund
Macy Moore
John P. Janovick Veterinary Medicine Scholarship
Elizabeth Moore
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – Non-resident
Timothy Moritz
Twedt Family Scholarship
Bailee Morris
Dr. Robert A. Jensen Scholarship Fund in Veterinary Medicine
Rachel Moseley
Janice M. Clark Memorial Scholarship
Jessa Muldoon
Arthur B. and Blanche F. Lederer Memorial Scholarship
Arieanna Murley
Doris Day/Terry Melcher Endowed Scholarship
Arieanna Murley
John and Carolyn Haupert Veterinary Scholarship
Molly Niewoehner
Miles and Helen Nay Scholarship
Leticia Nolte
IVMA Foundation Incoming Freshman Scholarship
Kelsie Norberg
Robert E. and Doris R. Philbrick Academic Excellence Scholarship
Thomas Nordmeyer
Krista L. Rankin Scholarship
Annamarie Nye
Darold A. Lodge Endowment in Veterinary Medicine
Samantha O’Brien
Frederick Douglass Patterson Scholarship
Isamary Ochoa
Nancy and Nolan Hartwig Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Haley Onken
Bobbie and Stanton Cook Family Scholarship
Mikayla Opatz
IVMA Foundation Freshman Recruiting Scholarship
Morgan Ostrander
Dr. Harvey Price and Corinne Price Scholarship for the Study of Veterinary Medicine
Morgan Ostrander
Russell G. and Lora L. Talbot Scholars in Veterinary Medicine
Elise Patton
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – IA Resident
Jade Paulsen
David R. Helland, DVM ’64 and Wealtha Helland Scholarships in Veterinary Medicine
Elyse Paulson
Dr. Arthur K. Ruebel and Helen Ruebel Endowed Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Jessica Payne
Salsbury Endowment Fund for Veterinary Medicine Scholarships
Jessica Payne
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – Non-resident
Murray Perkins
Elfriede Apteker Scholarship
Hayley Peters
Daniel M. Betts Award for Excellence in Ophthalmology
Tarah Peterson
Robert Buzzetti Veterinary Scholarship Fund
Griffin Peterson
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – Non-resident
Aaron Peterson
IVMA Foundation Sports & Field Day Community Engagement Scholarship
Heather Peterson
IVMA Foundation Sustaining Involvement with the IVMA Scholarship
Sienna Piersma
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – Non-resident
Amanda Pisarczyk
IVMA Foundation Incoming Freshman Scholarship
Samantha Poppe
Salsbury Endowment Fund for Veterinary Medicine Scholarships
Allison Prather
William Tillman Dunn Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Cassidy Price
Charles D. Steele Memorial Scholarship for Veterinary Medicine
Jacob Protzman
IVMA Foundation Sports & Field Day Community Engagement Scholarship
Andrea Prowant
Dr. Rebecca Muilenburg Scholarship
Shannon Pyle
Minard G. Mills Memorial Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Karisa Quimby
Jeanne and David Allbaugh Veterinary Scholasrhip for Academic Excellence
Alexandra Ramirez
CVM Endowment Fund Financial Need Award
Adrian Ramirez-Klare
Class of 1961 – Merrill B. Anderson Scholarship Fund
Brian Reading
Society for Theriogenology Proficiency in Theriogenology Award
Tressa Reiner
Dr. Stanley K. Harris Memorial Scholarship
Sydney Reiter
Dr. Bryan F. Lott Memorial Scholarship Fund
Niki Rice
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – IA Resident
Madison Ritchie
Stange Award Scholarship for Academic Excellence in Veterinary Medicine
Zoee Robbins
James A. Sweeney ’64 Endowed Scholarship
Ashley Rone
Dr. Scott and Nancy Armbrust Rural Veterinary Medicine Impact Scholarship
Erin Rowland
IVMA Foundation Sustaining Involvement with the IVMA Scholarship
Brook Ruiter
IVMA Foundation Incoming Freshman Scholarship
Carlin Russell
American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) Certifcate of Clinical Excellence (Small Animal)
Savannah Saboda
Eastern Iowa Veterinary Medicine Association Scholarship Fund
Jordan Sanders
Russell G. and Lora L. Talbot Scholars in Veterinary Medicine
Olivia Saul
Dr. Warren Verploeg Scholarship
Aidan Saxton
Jamie D. Sharp Scholarship
Alene Scallon
Dennis D. Darnell Memorial Scholarship
Ruth Schares
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – Non-resident
Cora Schau
John and Phyllis Sunins Scholarsip in Veterinary Medicine
Samantha Schepers
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – Non-resident
Kaitlyn Scheunemann
Dr. Harvey Price and Corinne Price Scholarship for the Study of Veterinary Medicine
Kaitlyn Scheunemann
Christian Petersen Veterinary Medicine Scholarship
Zachary Schoelerman
Beverley G. Anderson Scholarship
Adri Scholten Tilstra
IVMA Foundation Freshman Recruiting Scholarship
Adri Scholten Tilstra
Patricia A. Kasowski Scholarship Fund for Veterinary Medicine
Jordan Schroeder
Dr. Frederick Douglass Patterson Opportunity Fund
Amber Schroen
Wogahn Scholarship Fund
Natalie Seemann
CVM Endowment Fund Financial Need Award
Ashley Segal
Nemeth Veterinary Medicine Award of California
Cristie Serna
G. W. and Peg Cornwell Scholarship Fund
Sydney Sheffield
Dr. Brian and Jill Darrow Scholarship
Mary Shytles
Veterinary Spousal Support Scholarship
Evan Shytles
David R. Helland, DVM ’64 and Wealtha Helland Scholarships in Veterinary Medicine
Erik Siegel
G. W. and Peg Cornwell Scholarship Fund
Macy Sigwarth
Veterinary Medicine Class of 1964 Scholarship
Alexandria Sills
Dr. Sydney La Rue Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Summer Smith
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – Non-resident
Olivia Snead
Award for Clinical Proficiency in Large Animal Surgery
Taylor Sorrells
Lisa Kruidenier Equine/Large Animal Excellence Scholarship
Sienna Spaethe
John and Sally Greve Scholarship
Samantha Spanbauer
Stan Benbrook Scholarship
Autumn Stalder
Dr. Steve Healy and Lue S. Healy Scholarship
Adam Steffensmeier
Interstate Veterinary Medical Association Scholarship
Nicole Sterzinger
Darold A. Lodge Endowment in Veterinary Medicine
Abby Stewart
College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarships Fund Financial Need Award
April Stich
Marjorie E. Greene Memorial Scholarship
Lance Stiens
IVMA Foundation Incoming Freshman Scholarship
Sarah Stolte
Floris M. and David R. Ertl Scholarship
Elizabeth Thomas
IVMA Foundation Sports & Field Day Community Engagement Scholarship
Megan Thomas
North American Veterinary Anesthesia Society (NAVAS)/American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia (ACVAA) Membership Award
Kale Tilley
Darold A. Lodge Endowment in Veterinary Medicine
Elena Toufani
R. W Carithers Award
Brady Trego
Dr. Scott and Nancy Armbrust Rural Veterinary Medicine Impact Scholarship
Jenna Trenhaile
Dr. Tom Johnson Leadership in Veterinary Business Innovation Scholarship
Jenna Trenhaile
Dr. Mary Knott Student Wellness Leadership Award
Randall Tucker
Veterinary Medicine Endowed Scholarship Fund
Aricka Ullius
Dr. George C. Christensen Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Breanna Uyeno
Larry (DVM) and Barbara Mahr One Health Scholarship
Breanna Uyeno
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – IA Resident
Talya Vaira
Marie S. Lodge Endowment in Veterinary Medicine
Mariah Valiant
Robert B. Mericle, DVM Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Matthew Van Otterloo
Salsbury Endowment Fund for Veterinary Medicine Scholarships
Payton VanDusseldorp
Russell G. and Lora L. Talbot Scholars in Veterinary Medicine
Payton VanDusseldorp
IVMA Supporting Leadership Scholarships
Kelci Vashaw
Dean I.A. and Iza Merchant Scholarship
Kelci Vashaw
ISU Excellence in Swine Research Award
Glorianne Vazquez
Lora and Russ Talbot ISU Alumni Association Cardinal and Gold College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship
Amber Vegter
William G. Bauman Scholarship
Rachel Voigt
Minard G. Mills Memorial Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Rachel Voigt
Kenneth L. Bullis Scholarship for Excellence
Hannah Wagner
College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarships Fund Financial Need Award
Natasha Webster
Lisa K. Nolan Servant Leadership in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship
Alex Webster
Salsbury Endowment Fund for Veterinary Medicine Scholarships
Natasha Webster
Excellence in Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – Non- resident
McKenzie Weigel
R. W Carithers Award
Melanie Wendt
IVMA Foundation Sustaining Involvement with the IVMA Scholarship
Kaitlyn Wesley
William G. Bauman Scholarship
Allison West
All Creatures Great and Small Veterinary Scholarship
Bailey Wetzel
Lora and Russ Talbot ISU Alumni Association Cardinal and Gold College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship
Matilyn Wheeler
Dr. Arthur K. Ruebel and Helen Ruebel Endowed Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Mallory Wilhelm
Robert B. Mericle, DVM Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Paige Wilson
Dr. Dennis and Mary Somers Scholarship
Rebecca Wilson
Dr. Frederick Douglass Patterson Opportunity Fund
Whitney Winter
Wilcke Family Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Whitney Winter
College of Veterinary Medicine Mentoring Scholarship
Reese Wooden
Dr. Harvey Price and Corinne Price Scholarship for the Study of Veterinary Medicine
Reese Wooden
CVM Endowment Fund Academic Excellence Awards
Hannah Yoder
Darold A. Lodge Endowment in Veterinary Medicine
Hannah Yoder
Bobbie and Stanton Cook Family Scholarship
Katrina Zaccone
IVMA Foundation Freshman Recruiting Scholarship
Zoey Zentkovich
Tyrone d. Artz, M.D. Scholarship
Vada Zillig
Howard T. Hill Swine Medicine Award
Emma Zwart